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We'll be releasing more invites for early-access soon – can't wait to have you onboard!

What is the benefit of using the Chrome extension?

With the new lockrMail extension - we are bringing even more lockrMail functionality directly into your browser. Now, as you surf the web with the lockrMail Chrome extension installed you can: Detect and auto-complete email fields with your lockrMail email... Read More

What is Global Privacy Control (GPC)?

Global Privacy Control (or GPC) is an internet protocol that, when enabled, allows browsers and extensions to communicate your privacy and tracking preferences to individual websites. You can read more about GPC here: The GPC signal is intended to... Read More

Why is GPC only available if I have the lockr Chrome extension?

The GPC setting is communicated to websites from the lockr Chrome extension. A lockrMail user must be using the Chrome browser and be logged into the chrome extension in order for lockr to communicate the GPC preference. For this reason,... Read More

Can I control GPC by domain?

By default your global GPC setting will apply to all websites, but when you visit any given site you can open the chrome extension to adjust the domain-specific GPC setting. You can also control this from the domain settings page:... Read More

How do I use GPC with lockr?

lockr now supports the use of GPC via our lockr chrome extension. lockrMail users who have downloaded our Chrome extension will now see a global account setting under the Chrome Extension section of this page:, where they can enable... Read More

How do I install the Chrome extension?

Click here to download the lockrMail chrome extension. Once you download the lockrMail Chrome extension, open it and login to your lockrMail account. For easy access, you can also pin the icon to your Chrome browser. Click the puzzle widget... Read More

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Can’t find what you’re looking for?

A lockrMail team member is always available and happy to address your specific question.