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  • No email integration required
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Newsletter digest
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One-click pause & unsubscribe
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Filtering for discounts
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Easily redirect email delivery across your work & personal emails
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When your invite is ready, we'll email you to create your account, but don't want our note to get lost in your overstuffed inbox.
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I'm drowning in email!
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Your lockrMail invite!
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Knock! Knock! It's your inbox genie
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Are you ready for inboxzero status?
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Create your own**:
**Bonus points for the funniest answer! We may even bump up your invite :)
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Thanks for your continued interest in lockrMail!
We already have you on our waitlist. We're extremely hard at work building you the best way to protect and organize your inbox.
We'll be releasing more invites for early-access soon – can't wait to have you onboard!

Is it possible to view a preview of a blocked email in the lockrMail dashboard?

For the moment, no. Our goal is not to replace your email client with a new email dashboard. Our goal is to integrate lockrMail as much as possible with your existing email so it is a seamless complementary tool. You... Read More

I want to allow, block or filter multiple Senders at once. Is this possible?

Yes - you can initiate actions in bulk by selecting multiple Senders using the associated checkboxes on the left hand side of the Sender list. When you select several Senders, a new menu will appear at the top of the... Read More

I switched a brand account to my lockrMail email address and blocked their promotions but I think I am still receiving them – why is that?

Check where the promotional email is actually being sent - most likely it is coming directly to your personal email, rather than through your lockrMail. Any email coming through your lockrMail account will always display the lockrMail email wrapper at... Read More

How long are blocked emails saved in lockrMail?

At the moment, there is no limit to the time that blocked emails are saved on the lockrMail servers. Read More

How does lockrMail combat spam?

lockrMail provides a one-click block option for all senders. No longer worry about having to find the unsubscribe link (if it exists), and filling out random questions in order to unsubscribe. Read More

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Can’t find what you’re looking for?

A lockrMail team member is always available and happy to address your specific question.