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New Product Launch: lockrScan

Published April 25, 2023

From the beginning, lockrMail was built as a forward-looking solution to prevent spam and give consumers control over the influx of email. By using lockrMail, individuals no longer have to share their personal and work email addresses publicly and can easily block or filter messages by brand. But also from day one, one of the biggest concerns users have communicated is that lockrMail doesn’t solve their current spam problem. Their inbox is already a mess which is what led them to lockrMail in the first place! They needed a solution moving forward – yes – but they also needed to fix the problem retroactively.

Today we are very excited to announce a new product and new solution which will solve for this: lockrScan. lockrScan is a lightweight tool that authenticates into a user’s Gmail account, scanning all emails and pulling promotional communications from the prior 90 days into the lockrScan dashboard. The dashboard displays in a report-style, listing all brand senders in order of recency or volume of emails. Next to each brand sender, lockrScan users will see an unsubscribe button and a lockrArchive button. Users also have the option to hide senders from their lockrScan dashboard and report.

Clicking unsubscribe, when available, will either open a new window for the user to complete the un-subscription process or send an email on the user’s behalf requesting to be removed from the list (the preference is determined by the brand’s own settings). Clicking lockrArchive, which is available for all brand Senders, will add a basic filter to that email address in the Gmail account, ensuring all prior and future communications from that Sender bypass the main inbox and get stored in a lockrArchive folder, marked as Read. lockrArchive is fully controlled by lockrScan and will function instantly. The unsubscribe mechanism is still dependent on action from the brand, and may take some time to finalize. If you continue to receive emails from a given Sender after unsubscribing, you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe again or to enable the lockrArchive filter.

To manage inbox clean-up on an ongoing basis, lockrScan users can also receive a regular report of their most recent brand Senders. By default, the report will deliver weekly but the cadence can be adjusted in the lockrScan account dashboard. lockrScan is an excellent complement to lockrMail but can also be used on a standalone basis.

Click here to view a demo of lockrScan. lockrMail users can access lockrScan here, while non-lockrMail users can sign-up for lockrScan at

Jenny Hagan

Head of Operations
Jenny leads Operations at lockr, with a focus on Marketing and Strategy. Her diverse background in business and 5 years in Ad Tech give her a unique perspective on consumer digital identity.