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I started receiving brand emails to my lockrMail, now what?

Published March 15, 2021

The first email received to your lockrMail email address from any given Sender will automatically forward to your primary Destination Email address. The email will include a heading from lockrMail prompting you to either “Allow Sender,” “Block Sender,” “View Settings,” or “Change Destination.” Selecting any of these options from the email itself will take you to your lockrMail dashboard where you can adjust all settings by Sender. We recommend blocking or setting up Filters for Senders unless you want to receive all of their emails. Remember you can always change these settings at any point!

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How do I add an additional Destination Email address?

In your lockrMail dashboard, click on your lockrMail email in the top right corner and select 'Account' from the drop down menu. Under 'Emails', you have the ability to add more Destination Emails and to change which email is your... Read More