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How do I create a custom Filter?

Published March 16, 2021

On the Sender line, select the Filter icon to open the Filter modal. Toggle to ‘Add New’ on the left.  In the Sender(s) line, the selected Sender will be included by default, but you can also add additional Senders if needed. Under ‘Timeframe’ you can set your Filter to ‘Always On’ or limit it to specific dates. Below that you can enter any keywords you have in mind. You have the ability to input keywords and set the criteria for each one to “Contains” or “Does Not Contain” and “Greater Than” or “Less Than”. 

Pay close attention to whether you select ‘And’ or ‘Or’ when using multiple keywords. If you want to receive emails from a home retailer that include Tables for 30% off or more, set up a Filter that says ‘30%’ in the text field with ‘Greater Than’ selected in the dropdown menu. The next row should start with AND from the first dropdown menu and ‘Table’ as the entry text. Alternatively, if you are interested in all tables (discount or not) as well as sales on all items with a 30% discount or higher, set up a Filter that says ‘30%’ in the first text field with ‘Greater Than’ selected in the dropdown menu. The next row should start with OR from the first drop down menu and ‘Table’ as the entry text. You can also filter emails by whether they have an attachment or not. When you are finished setting up your Filter criteria, simply click ‘Save’.

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