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The Ideal Future of Marketing

Published August 18, 2021

The latest episode of The Data Driven Marketer, ‘a podcast for the modern marketing engineer’, features an interview with our very own Keith Petri. Keith sat down with Netwise podcast hosts, Adam and Brian, to discuss the Ideal Future of Marketing.  

In the episode, Keith, Adam and Brian, first discuss the numerous pitfalls of the modern marketing ecosystem. While marketing is accepted as a “necessity,” Keith touches on the inconvenience of marketing and the personal cost to consumers. Recent legislation has attempted to address the privacy issues associated with digital marketing and the use of data online, but legislators are missing the mark by focusing solely on privacy. Most consumers are willing to trade some level of privacy (especially when it comes to non-sensitive data, such as shopping behavior or entertainment preferences), for a significant value-add or for more convenience (i.e. control over when and why their day is “interrupted” by marketing). 

lockr’s mission is to act as an advocate on behalf of the consumer – bringing consumers’ best interests to the negotiation table as we reimagine marketing and advertising’s role in the modern internet era. Much like your social security number, email is the key to your identity online and the foundation for consent and data management, making email an ideal starting point for lockr’s vision. 

Click below to listen to the podcast and dive deeper into this discussion:

Thanks to Adam, Brian and The Data Driven Marketer community for featuring Keith and lockr on the recent show! 

lockr Team

lockr is a company of innovators, rethinking the way the Internet operates with respect to consumer data.