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Spring Cleaning: Tech Edition

Published March 30, 2021

Snow is melting, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the days are finally getting longer, lighter and warmer. Last year at this time, we were a bit preoccupied with baking sourdough, bingeing Tiger King and trying to learn TikTok that we missed the memo on the whole spring cleaning thing. So this year, we’re going all in.

While this seasonal refresh is traditionally focused on the home, the yard, and maybe the wardrobe, tech now plays such a big role in our lives that it’s important to dedicate some time to organizing our digital footprint as well. Follow along with the 1-week outline below to get your tech under control in just 7-days!

Day 1: Mobile Devices
Day 2: Computer Files
Day 3: Browsers
Day 4: Photos
Day 5: Email Inbox
Day 6: Social Media
Day 7: Smart TV

When you’ve completed this weeklong Tech clean-up project, you’ll feel way more organized and ready to tackle the remainder of the year as our social lives (hopefully!) start to get a little busier. This is a great exercise to revisit yearly (or even seasonally) to make sure you stay on top of the clutter – not only in your home, but also across your digital life.

Jenny Hagan

Head of Operations
Jenny leads Operations at lockr, with a focus on Marketing and Strategy. Her diverse background in business and 5 years in Ad Tech give her a unique perspective on consumer digital identity.