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Setting lockrMail as your Auto-fill Email within your Browser

Published March 12, 2021

So you’re set up with your new lockrMail account and ready to start saving major time with filtered emails. The most important next step is to get into the habit of using your lockrMail email address going forward. Every time you sign up for a newsletter, buy something online, or put in an email for an ereceipt, use your lockrMail so you can have full control over the promotions you receive! 

One great way to get in this habit, is to download the Google Chrome extension. But if you’re not a Chrome user or simply not a fan of extensions, you can change the settings within your preferred browser to set your lockrMail email as the primary auto-fill email address.

Instructions for Safari – OS X

  1. Open the Safari menu and select Preferences
  2. Click the Autofill icon
  3. Check AutoFill web forms: using info from my Contacts card and click Edit.
  4. This will open the Contacts app with your contact card
  5. Add your lockrMail email to the first email address line under your contact and click Save.

Instructions for Chrome

  1. Open the Chrome on your desktop or mobile device
  2. Tap the three dots. 
    1. On an Android phone, this will be to the right of the address bar and on an iPhone, it will be in the bottom-left corner of the screen. On desktop, it will be in the top, to the right of the search bar.
  3. Select Settings
  4. Tap Addresses and More
  5. Find your primary contact and click the three dots
  6. Select Edit
  7. Update the email address associated with your primary contact form
  8. Remember to save!

Instructions for Firefox

  1. Open Firefox and select Options from the Main Menu
  2. Select Privacy & Security
  3. Tap Forms & Autofill
  4. Click Saved Addresses
  5. Select the address you want to edit
  6. Click Edit and update your email address to your lockrMail
  7. Click Save

Once you update your autofill email in your desired browser, using your lockrMail email address for new subscriptions and email registration forms will be easy as pie!

lockr Team

lockr is a company of innovators, rethinking the way the Internet operates with respect to consumer data.