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Newsletter digest
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One-click pause & unsubscribe
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Filtering for discounts
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Easily redirect email delivery across your work & personal emails
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Not sure yet
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Just one more thing before you go...

When your invite is ready, we'll email you to create your account, but don't want our note to get lost in your overstuffed inbox.
Customize the subject of your email so you know what to look for:
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I'm drowning in email!
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Your lockrMail invite!
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Knock! Knock! It's your inbox genie
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Are you ready for inboxzero status?
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Create your own**:
**Bonus points for the funniest answer! We may even bump up your invite :)
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Thanks for your continued interest in lockrMail!
We already have you on our waitlist. We're extremely hard at work building you the best way to protect and organize your inbox.
We'll be releasing more invites for early-access soon – can't wait to have you onboard!

What are Digests?

Published April 02, 2022

Digests is a powerful tool that allows you to combine communications from various Senders into one convenient email, delivered at your requested date and time. You can curate a news digest with your favorite newsletters, a retail digest with your favorite brands, or a travel digest for all things vacation! Within a digest, you can also set Filters by Sender that are unique and separate from your dashboard settings for the same Sender.  

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How do I get access to Digests?

lockrMail Digests are now open to all users. Simply navigate to to create your first Digest! Read More

How do I create a Digest?

To create a Digest, log-in to your lockrMail account and click on ‘Digest’ in the top right hand corner. Click the blue ‘Add New’ button. You can either select to create a Digest from scratch or from a pre-existing Group... Read More