Upon registering for a website, after you auto-fill your lockrMail email, you will be prompted to set some basic settings that will apply to all Senders on that domain, including allow, block, filter and the desired destination email address. When you open the extension, navigate to your Sender list and you will be able to adjust those settings at the Sender level by hovering over the Sender box and clicking the desired setting. If you click into a Sender, you will also have the ability to adjust the destination email, add them to a digest, or navigate to the lockrMail dashboard for more advanced settings.
lockr only displays discounts in the Chrome extension if you have received promotional emails from the brand and the discount codes or links are active. We are continuously improving our ability to scrape emails for relevant coupon codes. If you... Read More
Yes, when you use the Chrome extension to proactively enable settings at the point of registration, we will apply those settings (allow, block or filter, and destination email) to ALL senders from that domain. As various Senders for a given... Read More