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Do I need to check my lockrMail dashboard regularly?

Published February 14, 2021

No. The first email from any new Sender will always go through to your primary Destination Email where you will be prompted to ‘Allow Sender’, ‘Block Sender’, ‘Create Filter’ or ‘Edit Destination’ for that particular Sender. Similarly, any future emails received from a Sender that are Allowed or meet Filter requirements, will go directly to your chosen Destination Email address and will also include a header with setting options that deep-link into the dashboard. You should go about your daily email routine as normal (albeit with a lot of time saved since you’ll only be receiving emails that meet your predetermined criteria!) and continue to use your regular email client as your primary email tool. Of course, if you want to check your stats, update your settings or check on blocked emails, you can do all of that from the lockrMail dashboard whenever you like.

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