We’re over the hump and it’s time for your… drumroll… email inbox! Chances are you may have more than one, so you’re going to want to start with personal and then move on to work, school, family or any other email you use.
If you’re already using lockrMail, now is a great time to clean-up any existing subscriptions that you haven’t yet switched to your lockrMail email addresses. As you comb through your promotional emails, (1) log-in to your brand account and update your contact information to your lockrMail, (2) select “Manage email preferences” to update your email address or (3) simply unsubscribe from your current email and resubscribe with your lockrMail. Next, take a look through your lockrMail dashboard. What Senders do you have set to “Allowed” that you may want to move over to “Block” or add a Filter to? Do you have any Senders going to one Destination Email Address that you want to switch to another? Spend a few minutes sorting through the list and making any necessary adjustments.
If you’re not already using lockrMail, then now is a great time to start because it’s going to help you drastically unclutter your inbox. Learn more about how lockrMail can help you save time and boost productivity and click here to sign-up for our waitlist! We’ll be diving deeper into tips for decluttering your inbox in future posts so follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn if you want more tips.