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Day 3: Browsers

Published March 30, 2021

How many browser windows and tabs do you currently have open right now? Chances are it’s way too many and is slowing down your computer. Take a moment to close ones that you’re not actively using and consolidate the browser windows. For those sites that you reference frequently, bookmark them for easy access. Did you know your bookmark bar can also be organized into folders and old bookmarks can easily be deleted? Now would also be a great time to clean those up! If you really want to get fancy with your Browser bookmarks, check out Lifehacker’s guide for Chrome bookmarks.  

Next, you’ll want to look at your browser extensions. (Hint: do you have the lockrMail chrome extension downloaded yet? Read about the benefits here). Remove any extensions that you’re no longer using and pin the ones you’re using most often. 

Bonus: Don’t forget about the browsers on your phone and tablet. Take a few minutes to close old tabs on all your devices today – your batteries will thank you for their extended life.

Day 4: Photos

Spring Cleaning: Tech Edition

Jenny Hagan

Head of Operations
Jenny leads Operations at lockr, with a focus on Marketing and Strategy. Her diverse background in business and 5 years in Ad Tech give her a unique perspective on consumer digital identity.