Social Media is a great source of inspiration but can also be a deep dark hole of memes, puppy videos and your ex-boyfriend’s sister’s wedding photos. Today, your mission is to spend some time going through the accounts you follow on Instagram and Twitter and unfollowing (psst… check out Circleboom or unTweeps for help with your Twitter and Mass Unfollow for Instagram) or muting any that are no longer serving up inspiration to you. We all know Instagram, especially, contributes to comparison culture and can often leave us feeling “less than” when we compare our real life to someone else’s highlight reel, so take this into consideration when making changes.
On Facebook and LinkedIn, you may want to remove yourself from old groups that you’re no longer invested in or affiliated with. Similarly, you may want to defriend or mute anyone that is cluttering up your news feed with negativity. Check out Forbes’ list of healthy habits for social media use.
Bonus: Now may also be a great time to freshen up your bios and profile pics!