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Day 4: Photos

Published March 30, 2021

Photo day! This is a big one but a fun one too, because you get to relive some of the best moments from the past year. If your photos sync between devices, just choose one to sort through, otherwise, you may have to edit photos across multiple devices. We like to start the process from 1 year ago today (though if you’ve never done this, you may need some extra time to go back further!) and delete all unnecessary screenshots, duplicate or blurry images, or accidental pictures that your kids snapped and you tried to pretend was “art.” The Remo Duplicate Photo Removers app is definitely handy for this process!

If you took a trip or celebrated a special event, you may want to categorize the photos in a folder so you can find them easily later. And while you’re at it, now is a great time to get your favorite shots printed to refresh the frames around your home. Wired rounds up some of the best photo-printing services available depending on your needs.

Day 5: Email Inbox

Spring Cleaning: Tech Edition

Jenny Hagan

Head of Operations
Jenny leads Operations at lockr, with a focus on Marketing and Strategy. Her diverse background in business and 5 years in Ad Tech give her a unique perspective on consumer digital identity.