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Day 2: Computer Files

Published March 30, 2021

Day 2 – Moving on to your computer; let’s first start with your desktop. There shouldn’t be much on here so if yours looks like a random mass of screenshots, obscure photos and months-old PDFs, you’ve got some work ahead of you. Go through all of these files and either trash them (don’t forget to empty the trash!) or organize them into sub-folders in your Documents folders or cloud storage. 

Next, you’ll want to take some time to sort through the files in your Document folders, Cloud storage and/or Google Drive. Unless it’s a document you’re using every day, it should be sorted into a clearly labeled sub-folder. If you have time, you may want to sort through older documents as well and delete or archive those that are no longer relevant. If you have a personal computer and a work computer, we recommend easing into the process with your personal documents and then taking some time to clean up the work files.

As with our phone, we like to cap off our organization spree by swapping the image on our desktop. If you’re looking for inspiration, Unsplash has some amazing free desktop images to choose from!

Day 3: Browsers

Spring Cleaning: Tech Edition

Jenny Hagan

Head of Operations
Jenny leads Operations at lockr, with a focus on Marketing and Strategy. Her diverse background in business and 5 years in Ad Tech give her a unique perspective on consumer digital identity.