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#2 on Product Hunt!

Published June 02, 2021

When we launched the first iteration of lockrMail in December 2020, our goal was always working through Beta towards a big public launch on Product Hunt. I am so thrilled that last week, we met that goal and officially launched lockrMail to the Product Hunt community!

We spent months preparing for the launch, perfecting the product and tweaking any bugs, thanks to the very valuable input from our Beta users. We hit the ground running at 12:01 am PST on Tuesday May 25th and were busy all day responding to comments and questions. I was incredibly humbled (and exhausted) when we ended the 24-hour period with over 400 upvotes and the #2 spot for the entire day.

lockrMail - Own the power to organize and protect your email inbox | Product Hunt

Even more importantly, we added hundreds of new users to the lockrMail product, who I know will provide invaluable feedback in the coming months. For those of you who supported us throughout our Beta period and during the launch day on Product Hunt, I cannot thank you enough – we would not be where we are today without you.

I am completely energized by the success of last week, the volume of new users we have received (and continue to see!), and the wonderful response we have received so far as we share lockrMail across the web. From techies to early adopters, privacy-concerned browsers to online shoppers, the lockrMail product is far-reaching and I am confident that our growth will continue exponentially. We have so many new incredible features in the pipeline for the summer and into the fall. Stay tuned as we announce these big releases! And as always, we are open to your feedback, questions, and feature requests at any point.

Keith Petri

Keith is the CEO and founder of lockr. After a decade in the data management space, Keith founded lockr based on a deep desire to provide consumers with a means to take control over their own digital identity.